International Journal of Multidisciplinary Scientific Research in Technology and Engineering
Guidelines For Authors
- Submission Guidelines
Authors can mail their manuscripts to the editor. Submit online at (website link address) or (mail address). Each manuscript is assigned a reference number and all correspondence is via email. Authors may refer to that number for any clarification or queries. All authors are required to share their articles as per the format of the journal. We accept original empirical research, review papers, meta-analysis and short communications.
- Manuscript file
This document should include a word file with specified labels for tables and figures according to format of journal.
- Layout of Manuscript
Every journal issue is published in English. Authors are suggested to review their work for any grammatical inaccuracies and formatting errors. The font to be used is Time New Roman, size shall be 12 and margins shall be 1 inch from every side of the page. Tables should be labeled with an appropriate title and number. Figures should be numbered and titled as well.
The article should be structured with the following headings-
- Abstract
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Materials
- Methods
- Results with tables and figures
- Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgement
- References and
- Appendix
- Title
The top section of the article should mention the title of the paper along with the names, affiliation and email of the corresponding author.
- Abstract
Exceeding no longer than 250 words, the abstract should include the rationale, method, results and conclusion of the research study. Refrain from making citations here.
- Keywords
Authors are required to mention 4-5 keywords which reflect the focus of the study.
- Introduction
This section should detail the existing literature and work on the topic of concern. Establish the context for your work and what is addresses through your paper. It should detail the rationale for the study and objectives to be achieved through the article.
- Materials
Authors are required to provide in-depth information about the equipment used and procedures followed to execute the research.
- Results with tables and figures
Next, present your findings from the study in detailed subsections with a concise heading. It should explain how the results accept or reject the hypothesis.
- Discussion
In this section, explain your findings in relation to the existing theories and literature. Detail how the results stand in relation to the hypothesis with clear and appropriate citations. Discuss the implications and limitations of the study as well.
- Conclusion
Mention what can infer from the findings without any citations. Highlight importance of the study, conclusions and directions for future research.
- Acknowledgement
Mention your regards for all those who helped in your research work. They can be professors, peers, experts and financial support for the study.
- References
Give acknowledgement and credit to other researchers whose work you referred to during your study. The accuracy of references and other information is every author’s responsibility.
- Appendix
You may attach tables or additional material you referred in the appendix section.
- Peer Review Process
All the submitted manuscripts are subject to blind peer review by members of editorial board in a specific field. Reviewers may make suggestion to modify the manuscript to match requirements of the publication. When modified, the manuscript shall be accepted and in case of high plagiarism or substantial changes they might be rejected. The intimation of acceptance or rejection shall be communicated via email. Two reviewers shall review the document for publication in the journal.
- Article Types
Empirical research, reviews, meta-analysis and opinion pieces are acceptable for publishing. The paper should be free of plagiarism, properly referenced, and follow the shared format to be eligible for publishing.
- Manuscript Preparation Tools
Template of the paper has been specified in detail for all authors to follow.
- Fees & Charges
There are no charges applicable for publishing with us. Every step is transparent and executed in an ethical manner. Send an original manuscript that follows the ethical practice, guidelines of structure, plagiarism regulations, and format.
- Copyright Form
Authors are required to fill and sign the copyright form and share the same with the Editor-in-Chief to begin the process of publication for accepted manuscripts.
- Conflict of Interest
Authors are required to mandatorily disclose any conflicts of interest associated to the research work.
- Plagiarism
Authors hold the responsibility for the originality and authenticity of the manuscript. If any concern regarding the manuscript surfaces post publication, the members of editorial board hold the rights to retract the published work or reject the accepted one.